Core Teaching Area:Its intake capacilty is 90.

• Operation of various machines and their maintenance.
• Heat Power Engineering
• Manufacturing Processes
• Material Management

Major Subjects

• Hydraulics
• Machine design
• Theory of machines
• Thermal Engg.
• Strength of material
• Manufacturing Technology

Fee Structure :

The fee structure of the programmed is decided by the Govt. of ORISSA every year before the commencement of admission process. Once admitted, the fee structure of a student remains the same throughout the period of his/her study provided the student finishes the coursework within duration of SIX consecutive semesters.
The counseling is based on the rank secured by the candidate in the DET, observing statutory reservation policy of State Government.
The criteria for DIPOLMA admission is prescribed by the JEE, Govt. of ORISSA
Rs 23,700/year for students admitted during Academic year 09-10
Tution Fees As per State Govt. norms
Bus Fare Rs. 8,500.00 per year
Hostel Charge
(Boarding, Lodging & Fooding) Rs. 20,000.00 per year